Welcome to the Local Watford Congregation
of Grace Communion International UK


The Watford Congregation of Grace Communion International will meet each Sunday at 11am in the Knutsford Primary Academy, Balmoral Road WD24 7ER. Anyone is welcome to join in praising and worshipping God together.


The Biweekly Watford Bible Study meets fortnightly at the home of Mr. David Silcox and also goes out on the Watford Church Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84462291286?pwd=S3I2ekMxaFBNMlBXYkdiVUx5QWlRdz09 The studies are open to anyone who wishes to come along for in-depth Bible Study. We began a new book and are looking at 1 Timothy for the next few months. Everyone is welcome to join us.


The Watford Small Group also meets fortnightly but on Wednesdays. If you would like to join us, please contact JohnStettaford.


The International Life Club Zoom is held roughly every two months. For more information contact Geoff Sole. Here is the Life club Link for your convenience:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85331021307?pwd=S2ZGV29vaWdNZzBVUUtkL0VnN0ZyZz09


There is a UK National Zoom Church Service at 11am every Sunday morning on this link:
Launch Meeting – Zoom The link is found on the www.gracecom.church website under Online Services.



Three pre-teen girls playing in street on scooters and bike

Are our streets safe anymore?
This week people were horrified to hear of a sword attack in London during which a teenage schoolboy was killed and others injured. What with the rise in knife crime and gang violence, it makes us all question how safe our towns and cities are for our children.
The Bible paints a picture of an ideal society in the Old Testament book of Zechariah. In the EASY translation of Zechariah 8:5 it predicts that one day “Many boys and girls will play in the streets of the city again”. Wouldn’t that be great, to have such freedom and safety, not just for our local neighbourhood but also for those children caught up in war zones such as Gaza, Ukraine and elsewhere? Eugene Peterson’s Message rendition puts it this way: “Old men and old women will…sit on benches on the streets and spin tales, move around safely with their canes — a good city to grow old in. And boys and girls will fill the public parks, laughing and playing — a good city to grow up in.”
Jesus Christ himself welcomed both children and adults from all backgrounds with joy and acceptance. He told his followers to love all people, including our would-be enemies. Maybe that’s a place to start to help make Zechariah’s vision come alive today.
Let’s love others just as Jesus loves us and make this world a safer place.
Warm regards,
Gavin Henderson

About the Writer:
Gavin Henderson is the National Ministry Leader for GCI in the UK and Ireland.


The UK Church Headquarters is still providing a Youtube Sermon each Sunday at 11am, as well as the live-streamed Youtube Bible Studies every other Wednesday night at 7:30pm. On the alternate Wednesdays there is a Zoom Prayer Meeting where everyone is welcome to participate or just listen in. See the website for the links at www.gracecom.church  

Christian Unity is needed even more as the global community faces crises such as crime, war, oppression, disease causing suffering whether physically, psychologically or economically. Please join us in praying for our countries leaders, for our Church leaders, for the NHS and those looking after people still catching the coronavirus. May God bless you and keep you safe.

Everyone is welcome to join us worshipping God in our Church Services. The Service generally lasts an hour and a half, followed by a cup of tea and a snack. What a blessing to be able to meet together.

We will meet in every Sunday at 11am at the Knutsford Primary Academy, Balmoral Lane WD24 7ER :


George & Sueann Henderson
Telephone:  01923-855570
Email: watford@gracecom.church

Grace Communion International is a Christian denomination with about 40,000 members in more than 90 nations and territories.  We are a member of the Evangelical Alliance, and Churches Together.  In the UK & Ireland we have about 40 congregations with a total of around 1,500 members.  To learn more about the Worldwide Church of God UK/Grace Communion International, visit our website at:  www.gracecom.church, or our Denomination’s website: www.gci.org

The Mission of the GCI/UK is to play it’s part in proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom of God in all the world as a witness, and taking care of those whom God calls into His church through Jesus Christ, hence our motto:  “Living And Sharing The Gospel”.  You can find more about the Church and it’s ministries by visiting the following website: www.gracecom.church